Einleitung in das Alte Testament

Seitenanzahl: 728 Seiten, 7 Abb., 19 Tab., 2 Karten
Format: 15,50 × 23,20 × 4,00 cm; 1058g
Auflage: 9. aktualisierte Auflage, 14.10.2015
Best.Nr.: 9783170303515
ISBN/EAN: 9783170303515
34,00 €
(inkl. MwSt.)

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In den Warenkorb

This Textbook provides an introduction to the big (catholic) canon of the christian Old Testament. The Old Testament is the holy scripture of the Jews and Christians: the Torah/Pentateuch, the books of history, the books of wisdom and the prophets. The origin of each book is embedded into its historical und religious context, so that it proven to be an effect of the Israeli history of belief. The author especially reflects on the dual character of the Old Testament as (unifiing and seperating) Bible of Jews and Christians. Thus the current relevance of the Old Testaments is demonstrated. For the new, 9th edition all contributions have been brought up to date. Comprehensibility especially for students lay at the centre of the new edition.



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